Linda Munro is a dedicated mother, wife, yoga teacher, studio manager, author and mindful Ashtanga Yoga practitioner.
Who am I? The big question of life. I’m someone who tries to connect with that inner place of ‘Who I am’ on a daily basis, while also being active in my ‘roles’ in this wonderful world. I’ve been practicing and studying yoga since 1995 and will do so for the rest of my life as the eternal yoga student. In 2004, I founded Ashtanga Yoga Paris and continue to teach and support the community with my husband, Gerald Disse. With Gerald, I have two amazing children; our family is central to my world. In 2020, Gerald and I opened a small yoga school in our new home on the Côte d’Azur. It’s like going back to our beginnings in Paris, with a small home yoga school to share the wonders of yoga with others. Lastly, we are the authors of an Ashtanga book that seems to be well-appreciated and a YouTube Channel where one can find all kinds of classes and advice for well-being!
On self discipline in issue 03 – Chakra 03
Aside from sheer will-power and perseverance, I find it useful to remind myself that it is my decision to practice, no one is asking me to do this, I want to practice because it nourishes my body, clears my mind and smooths out my breath; bringing a sense of inner-peace and waking me on many levels. Whether you have been practicing for one year or twenty, the question of finding the ‘right’ amount of self-discipline is an on-going balancing act. Am I using my practice to beat myself up, weaken my self-esteem or am I using my practice to embrace who I am?
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