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The wisdom of rest

Tracee Stanley in conversation with Verta Maloney

about making restorative practices accessible, menopause,

and the decolonization of yoga.


Photography by  Anastasia Chomlack

Tracee Stanley is a bestselling author and the founder of Empowered Life Circle, a sacred community and portal of practices, rituals, and tantric teachings inspired by more than twenty-eight years of studentship in Sri Vidya Tantra and the teachings of the Himalayan Masters. Tracee is a post lineage teacher devoted to sharing the wisdom of yoga nidra, rest, meditation, self-inquiry, nature as a teacher, and ancestor reverence. Tracee is gifted in illuminating the magic and power found in liminal space and weaving devotion and practice into daily life. @tracee_stanley


Verta: It’s wonderful to see your face. I want to start by asking how you are today.


Tracee: So how I am today is being aware of the multiplicity of grieving and just being with that grieving for so many people—and to be able to hold that and, simultaneously, to hold joy and hope and inspiration.


Verta: You stay in the rage, you stay in the sorrow, you stay in the grief, but obviously you’ve found a way to hold space for all of that in your life. Is there anything that has brought you joy today?


Tracee: I just came from having a tea with a new friend and there were so many synchronicities and so much laughter during our meeting together—and that was very joyful because it was such a pure and authentic connection.


Verta: That is beautiful. And what is grief teaching you right now?


Tracee: Well, right now grief is teaching me to be present, to learn to be with it without trying to reject or to hide or to look away. And I would say to even double down on the practice of prayer.