Thomas Droge

My life has been a journey of exploring the freedom, quiet and balance, that comes from being present in the motion of life. The first time I found stillness, was skateboarding empty swimming pools as a teenager. Later, I would come to find that same peaceful flow in qi gong, kung fu, contemplative practice, poetry and Chinese medicine. I created a process, to help people tap into the archetypal truths that we all move through in this journey of life. 

I am currently writing a book called Pathfinder, outlining the method I developed to step through life’s blind spots, and consciously evolve into greater awareness, freedom, and passion. My ultimate mission is to build a greater awareness of how the secret wisdom of the Universe is mapped within the body, from the smallest subatomic particle to the ­entire multiverse.

I’m bringing this work to corporations, building vulnerability, increasing communication, directing purpose, and ultimately building highly conscious corporate cultures.


On shame in issue 03 – Chakra 03 

Shame has no use for us. It’s like learning from a mistake and then topping it with some self-abuse. We don’t NEED to suffer to learn. Shame is the reptilian brain’s way of teaching, but it spreads suffering to all it touches.



IG: @thomasdroge

Photography by Michael Marquez