Sixteen years ago, Keith Mitchell found himself laying in a hospital bed, facing the reality that his days playing for the NFL were over. Through the advice and teaching of an ICU nurse, he began to practice the concept of conscious breathing. Little did he know, this bit of guidance would open up a new path in his life trajectory. The path would reveal new ways to harness his power, reshape his identity, and give new meaning to what it means to take action – this time off the field. Today, stepping fully into his expanded identity as yogi, motivational and mindfulness coach, holistic health and fitness advocate, Keith uses his platform to share his wisdom (jewels) and his life experiences with others, so they too can embody their own power, expand, and take action.
M: I believe power is balance. It is ease. What is Power to you?
K: The staple of what we refer to as God, means power. I’d say power is your will. Alan Watts said “the Godhead is never the object of its own knowledge.” To the extent that you call on God, as you push your life out, you go to the edges of your world, and you maximize your experience on the planet, that would be the God (power) that will support you. Another way to say it is, the Universe will support you on your journey. Whatever extent you want to push the envelope to live your life, your body, the God-self (power), will create to support itself. If your life is sedentary, and you spend your days looking at television on the couch, then you create and adapt in ways that support you to sit on the couch. If you want to be a professional athlete, well your body will conform to support you to do that.