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Light Beings

Words by Caroline Wachsmuth

For some reason, certain images speak to you instantly, sticking with you, guiding and inspiring you along your way. Maybe they fall into a pattern of synchronicity, and you are open and inclined to see their symbolic nature at a specific moment, or maybe there is no explanation needed. I love coming up with possible explanations, although I have learned that the trick is simply to keep seeking, allowing things to flow with an open heart.

One image that has stuck with me arrived while I was attending yoga workshop in Paris, in the very studio where I practiced daily. Although it was a long time ago, I remember every detail vividly: where I was sitting, what the teachers were wearing. In the back of a very spacious room, all sky and sun rays. The light pierced the half-darkness through the glass ceiling, shining down on the two teachers, seated in lotus position, patiently waiting for everyone to settle before they began.